Project-based Learning (PBL)

Project-based learning and problem based learning is one of the most effective student-centered instructional approach. The instruction is carefully constructed and open ended questions are utilized by students and they work together as a team and help each other to find a solution to the problem (Weimer, 2009). I think there are advantages and some risks for both teachers and students in these approaches. For students, for example, activities to find solutions for specific problems might be more enjoyable. Students also might have better understanding of concepts because they are actively involved in the learning process. Additionally, they can apply the skills that they learn through the activities in real life. In terms of class attendance, teachers can utilize these strategies to increase the class participation. They can assign everybody in the class a duty. They can have students study on the problem more. Students and teachers can establish strong communications thanks to these strategies as well (Edutopia, 2007).

On the other hand, when I think of the common core and standardized tests, students are supposed to a lot more topic and responsible to pass the test. For many time, there will not be enough time for such instructional methods like problem based learning. Teachers are also required to cover many topics and they sometimes have to teach concepts superficial, so students do not get deep understanding of it. Also, project based and problem based learning might sometimes require a lot prior experience which majority of the students do not have. From my point of view, I would apply these methods in my future classes, especially for scientific problems. They will have to think about the problem, search for possible solutions and try to find best for the problem. Eventually, they will need to make something by their own. I think that’s why these instructional methods are important and commonly used in today’s educational systems.




Edutopia. (2007). Why is project-based learning important? Retrieved from

Weimer, M. (2009). Problem-based learning: Benefits and risks. Retrieved from


Distance Learning: Tools, Advantages, and Disadvantages


Distance learning has been in existence for decades. The history of distance learning dates back to the 1720s when lessons were being sent via mail. In today’s world, with the increasing technological opportunities, there is a rapid growth and increased demand for distance learning in every corner of the world. Technological improvements help distance learning offer better educational opportunities. Although there are many definitions for distance learning, it can be described as a way of learning in which educators and learners are separated from each other regardless of time and place (Yousuf, 2007). Distance education can be efficient as much as conventional instruction. When technology is properly used for the educational purposes, there is a good relationship among students, effective feedback from teachers to learners (Moore & Thompson, 1990). Malik (2012) states that there are several reasons for increasing demand in distance learning like flexibility, costs, and convenience of distance education.Distance-Learning

Learning Materials and Tools

There are variety of tools that can be used for communication that provide teachers and learners interaction with each other through educational session. Thanks to some software such as skype, instructors and learners have chance to face-to-face communicate with each other. “High-quality materials, suitable for distance learning are essential. These remarks apply equally to electronic and printed media” (Jones, 2007, p. 237). Quality of the materials has huge effects on the efficiency of learning in distance education. “The very nature of distance education discourse makes quality of the study materials as the touchstone of success and failure of any course being run in the institution. Learning material keeps the students in touch with the subject content” (Thapliyal, 2014, p. 63). Materials and tools used in distance learning are big concerns because these are the tolls which will be used by learners. Email, chat rooms, video conferencing, audio conferencing (Malik, 2012), electronic, and online discussion forums (Kupczynski et al., 2012) can be arrayed as examples of using materials in distance learning. These are the ways in which learners can interact with each other and their instructors during the course. There are also some types of software such as screen reading software and screen magnification software which facilitate the understanding of content of the subjects. This is because, there are not just young people who are interested in distance learning but also adults and others who have difficulty with reading. Additionally printed materials are used as a learning material (Malik, 2012). “A mix of printed and electronic media is good. The latter is not essential for effective distance learning, but it greatly helps” (Jones, 2007, p.238). With the advancement of technology, mobile learning started being a part of distance learning that provide students and teachers with quicker interaction opportunities with each other. “Mobile technology can also be used to increase interaction among students, faculty, facilitators, supporting staff, and distance education administrators” (Yousuf, 2007, p. 115).

Email is a way to communicate for learners and teachers. Via email, instructors may send the announcement of assignments to students. Also, when students have questions about subjects or anything else related to the topic, they can email their instructors to get responses. Other ways for communication such as chat rooms, video conferencing, and audio conferencing, we can consider these implements as a virtual classroom. By means of these tools, learners will be able to participate in their professors’ lecturers online and hear their course mates, ask their questions and concerns to them, and express themselves to them. Yousuf (2012) pointed out that “interactive audio or video conferencing can provide real time face-to-face (or voice-to-voice) interaction. This is also an excellent and cost-effective way to incorporate guest speakers and content experts. Computer conferencing or electronic mail can be used to send messages, assignment feedback, and other targeted communication to one or more class members. Pre-recorded video tapes can be used to present class lectures and visually oriented content” (p. 115). In addition to these tools, there are also electronic/online discussion forums which is one of the most common ways to send assignments and make comments to others. By using this technique, learners may have chances to improve their writing skills and improve the relationship with their course mates.

Opportunities and Advantages


When distance learning compared to traditional education, there is no need in distance learning to buy meal plans for lunch or to pay for transportation to be able to go to school as students have to do in traditional education. By means of a variety of payment options, learners can pay their tuition in variety of ways. In addition, learners can save their money because you can take their classes at home with their computers. They do not have to pay for transportation since there is no need to go anywhere to get the information they need. Tools used by students for the purpose of reaching the content of subjects or communicating with instructors are cheap. For example, one of the most popular technique is mobile technology. There are some devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers and these are utilized as learning tools because they are inexpensive. “One of the characteristics of mobile learning is that it uses devices which citizens are used to carrying everywhere with them, which they regard as friendly and personal devices, which are cheap and easy to use, which they use constantly in all walks of life and in a variety of different settings, except education” (Yousuf, 2007, p. 117).

Variety of Materials

Thanks to the internet, there is tremendous amount of information online that learners can reach at any time and from anywhere. Printed and online materials can be used in distance learning. One of the advantages of distance learning is being internet-based. As new information comes out, they can be updated immediately. So, learners always have the chance to reach updated knowledge. Also, different kind of printed materials can be used like textbooks, study guides, workbooks, and case studies (Yousuf, 2007, p. 115). “A mix of printed and electronic media is good” (Jones, 2007, p. 238).


One of the main advantages of distance learning is flexibility. Learners can start to learn whenever and wherever they want at their own pace. Yousuf (2007) asserts that “it allows students’ progress at their own pace. Thus varying rates of individual progression can be accommodated, unlike typical conventional educational practices where the whole class tends to progress at the same pace in synchronization with the delivery of information through mass lectures and tutorials” (p. 116). Contrary to traditional ways, there is no need to complete assignments for every day. In conventional education system, students are wanted to make their homework be ready for next day. On the other hand, in distance learning you have time to complete your assignments until its due date.


With the innovations in technology, amount and accessibility of knowledge increase constantly. Also, there is a set of helpful and useful software that may assist learners to learn easier and better. Technology is always developing by giving learners variety of opportunities for getting more quality distance education. As technology improves, devices such as cellphones, tablets, and computers will be also developed so that learners will have opportunities to better access to context of the lessons. In addition, tools used in distance learning like audio and video conferencing o voice mail, will be able to used easier and more effective (Hanover Research, 2013).


Learners can reach endless information at anytime from anywhere by smartphones, tablets, computers, or kindles as long as they have internet access. Learners have the chance to reach the content of the lessons at anytime and anywhere by smartphones, and tablets (Custer, 2014). In fact, advantages of distance learning are related to each other. Even learners are not home, they have chances to ask questions and get responses from their instructors. Also, there is no need to carry books in case of learners need to get information about their lessons. They can reach to content of the class any time thanks to variety of delivery systems in distance learning.

Challenges and Disadvantages

Technological issues

Format of content used in distance learning may not be ideal for every participants. There are not only young learners but also adult people who are interested in distance learning. So, they may not be familiar with the latest technology that they need to use to reach the information. Learners may encounter problems during learning process. Malik (2012) states that there are some sets in these techniques. In a virtual class instructors cannot accommodate as much learners as they can in a traditional class. Beside there is improvement in technology, new difficulties and problems can be added within this enhancement. Furthermore, because of the technology develop, there will be needs to train the instructors to learn how to use those kind of technologies.


The feedback system in distance learning has always been criticized due to its inefficiency on getting responses on time. Feedback is one of the key factor of distance learning. It is essential to understand how well students learn. Also, according to feedbacks, the way how to teach can be improved. “Any educational system must seek to improve itself. A crucial ingredient is feedback from students. Do not rely passively on feedback, but design a system, perhaps with some enticement, such as reduced fees on future courses” (Jones, 2007, p. 240).

Lack of face-to-face communication

Although there several communication tools in distance learning such as virtual classrooms, video conferencing, or electronic forums, these tools sometimes may not be effective as much as face-to-face contact. Some errors may occur during using online tools that may make learners miss important points of subject. There is no timely two-way communication because the lack of access to teachers. Although there are several ways to interact with instructors, there are not sufficient for two-way communication. Another challenges caused by lack of face-to-face contact told by Berge (2013) “For most students and teachers, anxiety levels are increased when they are involved in distance education, if for no other reason than the unfamiliarity of the delivery systems and changes in communication methods and patterns. It takes extra communication efforts, especially by the teacher, to reduce the students’ concerns that they are missing important information, assignment due dates, or generally misunderstanding expectations of the course” (p. 382). This demanding situation may sometimes affect students in negative ways.

Requires self-motivation

Learners may have difficulty focusing on their study and making themselves ready to study due to its flexibility. They need be organized and concentrate on their study and have more discipline to be successful (Custer, 2014). In addition, sometimes there may be students participating to online courses from various time zones. So, they need be make themselves ready physically and mentally for the classes which may be at night according to their own time zones (Berge, 2013). It can be considered as a challenge for learners since it requires self-motivation for learning.


Distance learning becomes more common in every place of the world. “Technology-supported teaching and learning has helped in covering the physical distances between teachers and students, to enable the flexible delivery of education at a distance, anyplace and anytime” (Yousuf, 2007, p. 121).


Thapliyal, U. (2014). Perceived quality dimension in distance education: Excerpts from student experiences. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 15(3).

Barries, J. (2006). Distance education at university level: Opportunities and pitfalls. IAU Special Session no. 5, 237-240, Retrieved July 12, 2014 from

Malik, S. (2012). Challenges encountered by a distance learning organization. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 13(3), 17-20.

Kupczynski, L., Mundy, M.A., Goswami, J., & Meling, V. (2012). Cooperative learning in distance learning: A mixed methods study. International Journal of Instruction, 5(2), 81-90.

Yousuf, M. I. (2007). Effectiveness of mobile learning in distance education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 8(4), 114-124.

Custer, J. (2014). Distance Learning Education. Retrieved from

Moore, M.G. & Thompson, M.M., with Quigley, A.B., Clark, G.C., & Goff, G.G. (1990). The effects of distance learning: A summary of the literature. Research Monograph No. 2. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University, American Center for The Study of Distance Education. (ED 330 321).

Berge, Z. L. (2013). Barriers to communication in distance education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 14(1), 374-388.

Hanover Research. (n.d.). Distance Education Models and Best Practices. Academy Administration Practice, Retrieved from

Teaching Philosophy

SSS0028      Teaching and learning are always being occurred at any time regardless of place. Everyone can learn something useful and beneficial from someone. Learning might take place while on the road to somewhere, at home watching movie or talking to parents, or in classrooms. I heard a statement from one of my teachers saying that “those who are open to listen to people can learn something from even foolish ones.” I believe that the only thing we need to have to learn is respect and paying attention. I remember my elementary and middle school teachers teaching us subjects by telling all concepts and facts without any hands-on activities and real practices of concepts that we were taught. I strongly believe that that is not the way of teaching and learning.
Teachers have vital impacts on students in long run. Students spend one-third of their times with their teachers for years. I think that teaching is not just telling the facts to students. Rather, it is about building relationship with students, caring of, and respecting them so that teaching and learning can take place. Students do not just learn about subjects from their teachers, but also learn values and morals to be a part of healthy society. That’s why I think teaching is much more than a job.
From my point of view, there is not a certain way to teach. Every child has their own way of learning. They all have different skills and abilities. As teachers, we should become aware of these differences. In this respect, I believe that differentiating the instruction that we provide to students is crucial. Some students might be good at learning when they are offered visuals. Some might be good with audial instruction. We should provide instruction students with different ways so that we can make sure that they can do their best. For my major which is science, for example, I prefer to utilize instructional strategies which students might be actively parts of the learning environment. Project-based learning is one of these strategies. Also, I like using presentations and demonstrations for some topics in science. By doing so, students find opportunities to have better understandings of the abstract topics. I think that it is more important to guide students to learn by themselves with the support of teachers and classmates.
There is one more important aspect to me in order to make the education even more meaningful for every stakeholder. That aspect is parents. I like making home visits and building communication with parents as well. I believe that education is something like a triangle. Teachers are on one side, students are on other side, and parents are on the other side. If we work as a team, we can do the best for students. I also align and modify my instruction as I know my students more. I would like to be a role model for my students. I would like to make students successful for the life not for tests.

Corner Stone for Success: Classroom Management

Classroom Management Plan Outline

Classroom management is one of the may be the most important factor for quality education. You can use these outline as you make your plan.

I. Create a physical setting that supports academic and social goals

  1. Arrange students’ seating
  2. Normalize the air
  3. Make sure about proximity

II. Establish expectations for behavior

  1. Respect each other
  2.   Arrive class on time
  3. Listen while others talk

III. Communicate with students in consistent ways

  1. Post assignments every day
  2. Rehearse procedure all the time
  3. Make students feel comfortable

IV. Develop a caring classroom environment

  1. Give students responsibilities
  2. Keep in touch with students out of school
  3. Always try to focus on positive consequences

V. Work with families

  1. Make home visits
  2. Make open houses organizations
  3. Invite parents to the class

VI. Use appropriate interventions to assist students with behavior problems

  1. Praise students after positive behavior
  2. Award students after being done an expected attitude
  3. Warn students gently when they do something wrong